Australians About: COVID 19 Series

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

When countries started closing their borders and people worldwide were rushing home because of COVID-19, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) asked Small World Stories to document the stories of six Australians who were choosing to stay in Asia and the Pacific. 

We were particularly interested to explore what motivated them to stay away from their families and the security of home at such a difficult time, especially in places where health systems might be easily overrun.

Episode 1 Gemma Snowdon

In episode one we speak to Gemma Snowdon who works as part of the WFP team in the world’s most densely populated refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Although she missed home, she felt compelled and determined to help Rohingya refugees learn how to stay safe.

Episode 5 Olivia Magoffin

In episode five we meet Olivia Magoffin, a pilot in Vanuatu whose work changed radically when COVID broke out. She went from flying tourists and politicians to flying COVID-19 test samples to and from New Caledonia for screening. The experience has been life changing.

Episode 6 Margaret Barry

In episode six we meet Margaret Barry. When COVID-19 strikes and devastates Bali’s main source of income, Margaret Barry is determined to help parents keep their kids in school so that the next generation of leaders is not lost to the crisis.